Are You The Best WingMan for the Job?

Who wants to be my new Wingman?

As this site keeps growing at top speeds each month and year we have to seek out more help in writing, coding, promotions, and even get some people involved in some of the big events to bring back the goods to this site.  We want to keep things simple and not lots of flashy photos or slow over animated gadgets.  We want to be out there and let you see what is going on and what people are talking about at these clubs, shows, concerts, spas, and events such as pride.

I am needing lots of people who can exclusively write for us and other people who may need to do other similar sites as long as its not the same content.

We also need some people who can post weekly on the politics regarding each states liquor laws, dance permits with afterhours, and the drinking age.  This is an area we really plan to focus on in the next year or so.  We need more people out there protesting, getting laws made, or getting rid of laws that take away our freedoms we deserve.

But what about my wingman.  I need someone in either Dallas, Houston, Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, Las Vegas, Chicago, New Orleans/Pensacola area, Los Angeles/Hollywood/Long Beach.  If you live in any of these areas and would love to hang out with me when I am in town and we can get some content from the events and clubs and have lots to talk about from our nights out.

Let me know what city you live in and if you are able to travel much or just what events you plan or want to attend.  Including concerts, circuit events, club themed parties, or a seasonal P-Town gathering.  If you wish to be one of my wingmen in certain cities or more than one let me know.  We will focus on Dallas, Houston, Orlando, and Los Angeles at first then reach out further after that.

Send me your education, party skills being how fabulous you are as a bff and wingman, and any blog entries you can show your writing, and anything else you wish to add to a few paragraphs about yourself and why you could be my new wingman for 2009.  If you are restricted to travel let us know due to a job or if you can travel freely but just do not have a budget to go just anywhere let us know too.

Since we cannot get forms to work for hell on this site then try this one from our sister co.: (or gaysitedude(at)

Include all the required info plus send us your:

1. email . cell . address

2. myspace

3. facebook

4. blog url you have made posts on

5. any parties that you have thrown or promoted

6. can you travel?

7. can you drink me under the table?

8. what city do you live in?

9. what city is it your goal to live in someday?

10.  What is your favorite club?

11. What is your favorite bar?

12.  What is your favorite circuit event?

13. Favorite Pride Festival or Parade?

14. Do you like Drag? Are you a drag queen? and which drag queens do you like most?

15.  What is your favorite shopping spot at the mall?

16. Send a pic on the attached email or your myspace or facebook profile.

We look forward to hearing from all of you and hope to make 2009 even more exciting my having more people on board.  This will help us sell advertising on the site and get more content that we have not been able to do with just a few of us Party Krew.


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