Author: GayClubbin

  • Voodoo Lounge Sundays

    Here are some pics from Ft. Lauderdale’s famous Voodoo Lounge Nightclub (111 S.W. 2nd) where you will find a killer drag show on Sundays hosted by Daisy Deadpetals.        If you have not been to the show on Sunday nights you can first check out the Gary Santis Babylon T-Dance going on earlier…

  • Mickey’s on Fire, Boom Boom Closing

    And we thought the mortgage crisis was bad for California residents- maybe it all comes into play… but seriously at Mickey’s the Roof is on fire but let’s not let another gay club burn m*f*er burn. There has been lots of big club news this week as two major clubs will be closing down.  The…

  • Club Closes After 25 Years of Bible Belt Service

    Yes, its true that Angles is having its own funeral this weekend.The club that was voted best club in Oklahoma for 10 years straight in the Oklahoma Gazette (gay and straight)  and probably any publication (remember the “gaysian invasion”) for a few years of those. You know I joke a lot!But seriously it was the…

  • Labor Day Weekend

    Labor Day Weekend is edging closer and closer each day and the party teasers are coming out. I almost thought nothing exciting was coming our way this year but the older New Orleans party. I think there was a mention of a “pool party” in Lubbock or a underwear party in Detroit.. jk. I am…

  • Puerto Vallarta

    I keep hearing about this Puerto Vallarta place and hear they have a Gay-friendly Mayor and have a great gay beach and gay nightlife so this weekend we are going to check it out and do something completely off the beaten path. There is no circuit party going on and there is no special event…

  • Repeating Studio 54

    Last weekend definitely was something that made this year one of the most dramatic years of all time.  I have survived all kinds of scandals including the great hair pulling scandal of 2000-something and the attack of the giant mustache man with razorbacks.  This one tops the most frustrating event of the year. Studio 54…

  • White Party Amsterdam

    If you have your party calendars open for the hottest end of summer events you may have a hard time deciding which one to pursue.  A flight to Amsterdam might yield one of the sexiest and best White parties of all Europe.  DJ Brett Henrichsen is headlining the White Party in Amsterdam this year with…

  • Party Monster Tour

    We attended the Cazwell party at M.I.N.C. bar located near the fairgrounds in downtown Dallas (also near the deep ellum district). The party was slow until around 12:30 when people waited in a slow line to get in the door. It was a fabulous mix of people ranging from the straight, curious, and the ultra-gay.…