Category: Pride

  • Columbus Pride 2009

    Everything seems to be different or “changed” in every city this year and Columbus is no exception.  One thing that is true everywhere is there is no shortage of hot boys.  Because of construction of the park near the river the Pride after party and Pride were held a week earlier this year so that…

  • Gay Pride 2009

    June 2009 offers opportunities to attend Pride Fests and Parades across the country and around the world. These range from small community based gatherings to large and well publicized events drawing famous faces and performers.  Pride events typically span the month of June, depending upon the city. Europride 2009 kicks off the Gay Pride festivities…

  • Friday Night Madness could be Sunday Seduction

    Maybe it was a push to make it more "family friendly" by what the pride committee sprang out of their heads this year or maybe it was to make the pride parade less stressful. I am not sure what they were thinking because the parade seemed far less people this year than ever before in the…

  • Pride Activities around the Country

    Most of us do not have huge parades to look forward to for Pride, unfortunately. No leathermen and dykes on bikes for us as we settle for the local Pride with a mediocre band and informational tables. Pride is typically in mid-June, commemorating the March on Stonewall in New York City in 1969.  The ubiquitous…

  • Long Beach Pride

    One of the largest pride events of the year is about to take place this weekend in Long Beach, California. From a circuit party on the Queen Mary ship to the dancing in tents to hip hop this is definitely one of the largest prides in America. Pride parades are lining up across the country…